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The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

The Weaponization of Christianity: A Faith Hijacked for Political Gain

The Weaponization of Christianity: A Faith Hijacked for Political Gain

Christianity has been twisted into a political tool—not to follow Christ’s teachings, but to control votes and justify policies that contradict everything Jesus stood for.

1️⃣ Preaching Jesus, Practicing the Opposite

Many self-proclaimed “Christian conservatives” claim to follow Christ while pushing policies that go directly against His words:

📖 Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor.” (Luke 6:20)
👉 They cut food assistance, Medicaid, and welfare.

📖 Jesus said: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31)
👉 They demonize immigrants, refugees, and LGBTQ+ people.

📖 Jesus said: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor.” (Matthew 19:21)
👉 They support tax cuts for the rich and corporate greed.

📖 Jesus said: “Turn the other cheek.” (Matthew 5:39)
👉 They glorify guns, war, and political violence.

📖 Jesus said: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24)
👉 They defend billionaire megachurches and prosperity gospel preachers.

2️⃣ How Politics Hijacked Christianity

The right-wing political machine uses Christianity not as a belief system, but as a shield to protect power and keep voters emotionally engaged.

They focus on “culture wars” instead of Christ’s actual teachings—banning books, criminalizing LGBTQ+ people, and restricting women’s rights.
They push the “Prosperity Gospel”—telling people that wealth = God’s favor, while megachurch pastors fly on private jets.
They create enemies—immigrants, feminists, LGBTQ+ people, liberals—because fear keeps their base loyal.
They merge faith with nationalism, convincing people that questioning the government is the same as questioning God.

3️⃣ If Jesus Came Back Today, He’d Be Rejected by the Right

If Jesus walked among us now, preaching the same words He did 2,000 years ago, He wouldn’t be welcomed at political rallies. He’d be:

Called a socialist for caring for the poor.
Labeled a radical leftist for rejecting material wealth.
Mocked as weak for preaching nonviolence.
Branded “woke” for welcoming the outcast.

Jesus wouldn’t be at CPAC shaking hands with politicians. He’d be in tent cities with the homeless, in hospitals with the sick, and in detention centers with refugees.

4️⃣ The Real Goal: Power, Not Faith

This isn’t about Jesus. This is about political control.

🚨 They scream about “Christian values” every Sunday… but cut funding for the poor every Monday.
🚨 They claim to “protect life” but ignore gun violence, child poverty, and war.
🚨 They weaponize faith to keep voters distracted from economic policies that hurt them.

It’s a scam. They twist religion so you won’t notice they’re robbing you blind.

5️⃣ Breaking the Illusion: How to Wake People Up

🛑 Ask the hard questions:
❓ Would Jesus vote for tax cuts for billionaires while children starve?
❓ Did Jesus ever tell people to fear immigrants or the poor?
❓ Why do politicians use Christianity to get votes, but ignore Jesus’ teachings?

🛑 Expose the hypocrisy:
✅ Jesus was a brown-skinned Middle Eastern refugee.
✅ He spent His time with outcasts, prostitutes, the sick, and the poor.
✅ He stood against religious corruption and wealth hoarding—exactly what conservative Christianity embraces today.

🚨 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

The biggest trick modern conservative Christianity has pulled is convincing people that Jesus supports policies He would’ve died fighting against.

🚨 Jesus was not a capitalist, a nationalist, or a war hawk.
🚨 He didn’t side with the rich and powerful—He stood against them.

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