Meet Randall Lexington III: The Master of the American Grift
Randall Lexington III doesn’t work—he extracts. He doesn’t create—he acquires. And he doesn’t earn money—he funnels taxpayer dollars into his offshore accounts while telling Americans they should “work harder.”
Core Beliefs & Corporate Strategies:
✅ Loves capitalism—except when he needs government bailouts.
✅ Believes in the free market—but spends millions lobbying to eliminate competition.
✅ Thinks workers should be grateful for their jobs, even when they can’t afford rent.
✅ Hates “big government” but depends on government subsidies, tax breaks, and deregulation.
✅ Says “nobody wants to work anymore” but slashes wages, kills benefits, and fights unions.
✅ Calls people on food stamps lazy but collects billions in corporate welfare.
✅ Supports “small government” but lobbies for laws that protect his industry while screwing over small businesses.
✅ Believes wealth should be earned—but was born into money and never worked a real job.
✅ Thinks people should “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” while inheriting a trust fund and dodging taxes.
How Randall Plays the System:
💰 Welfare for the Rich:
- Receives millions in government subsidies while calling working-class Americans “entitled.”
- Pays $0 in federal taxes because of “legal loopholes” (written by the politicians he owns).
- Offshores profits to avoid paying into the very system that protects his wealth.
📺 Manufacturing Division:
- Pays news networks to blame immigrants, unions, and the poor for economic problems he caused.
- Funnels money into culture war distractions so people fight over bathrooms instead of wages.
- Funds both parties so no matter who wins, he gets richer.
🏭 Worker Exploitation Masterclass:
- Fires workers, blames “economic hardship,” then gives himself a $10M bonus.
- Buys robots to replace workers, calls it “innovation”, then complains about unemployment.
- Overworks employees, then brags about his “company culture.”
🔄 The Eternal Scam Cycle:
- Crashes the economy → gets a government bailout.
- Blames the recession on “lazy workers.”
- Buys back stock instead of hiring workers.
- Rebrands as a “job creator.”
- Donates to politicians who will cut corporate taxes.
- Repeat.
Favorite Sayings:
- “If you’re poor, just work harder!” (Has never worked a day in his life.)
- “We need to cut wasteful government spending!” (Just took a $500M bailout.)
- “Socialism doesn’t work.” (Depends entirely on socialism for the rich.)
- “Unions are bad for business.” (Because they force him to treat workers like humans.)
- “We are like a family here.” (Will lay you off with a two-minute email.)
- “Inflation is killing us all!” (Raised prices while raking in record profits.)
The Workers Who Defend Him:
Randall knows the best trick of all is getting working-class Americans to protect his wealth while their own wages shrink. That’s why he funds politicians, think tanks, and media outlets that convince people to:
- Hate immigrants instead of the corporations outsourcing jobs.
- Hate unions instead of the executives cutting wages.
- Hate welfare instead of the billionaires stealing tax dollars.
- Hate protesters instead of the system robbing them blind.
Randall is the American Dream—but only for himself. The rest of us are just funding it.
#TrickleDownTyranny #BillionaireBootlicking #WelfareForTheRich #BlameTheBosses #CorporateGreed #CapitalismForYouSocialismForMe
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